Trey checking out his Grand Theft Auto map. He pre-ordered the latest GTA and picked it up as soon as he got back from Kansas. Boys....
The kids celebrated Pirate Day at Krispy Kreme. Free Donuts for dressing up like a pirate. Mrs. Amanda took them, while I was at work.
If you spend a lot of time with someone they are bound to annoy you. As much as these little ones agitate each other, they sure like to get cozy on the recliner.
It's a known fact, ballerinas play with ballerinas.
While Trey was in Kansas watching the Cowboys game, we were watching it at the house. Notice the cheerleader in the middle.
Work gave me a CLEAR Wireless hotspot. It's perfect for conferences or you know....when I need to stream strawberry shortcake at the doctors office.
When I'm not eating, I'm watching shows about food.
Dakota is almost 100% over her sickness. I may have to change the batteries on her snot sucker, soon. We used it a lot!
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