I've been working the last two days long hours. I've been recording a seminar in Dallas. Trey has been helpful, especially today. He's been watching the girls. Thanks for being a hands on Dad, Trey!

A rare moment, Dakota cuddling. Side note, Baby arm rolls are adorbs!!!!!

This is what I've had my hands on....
My office at the Omni Hotel
I've mentioned it before, but I want to say it again. I'm really impressed with the Omni Hotel customer service. Both times, I've been there they have accommodated me when I need a private lactation room. Yesterday, during lunch, the hotel restaurant got slammed with customers. The management felt terrible because the group that I was hired to videotape, did not get their food right away -- which in turn set us off schedule -- so today they provided a complimentary smoothie bar. Yum!