- She hates food, but I'm working with her and offering her a small spoonful every (other) night.
- Her eyes are still a shade of gray. The definite color is still a mystery.
- No teeth, yet.
- She likes to put toys in her mouth.
- She's still sleeping through the night, except last night she had a rough one (I'll talk about that in a moment).
- As far as naps, she rarely takes them, when she's with me, but oddly enough - this does not effect her mood. Occasionally, she'll nap if we go for a car ride and she definetaly naps when we drive to and from Abilene.
- The time of the day when she's the happiest is during bed time. I'll put her in her crib and she likes to stare at her mobile.
The Growth Chart (in the closet)
In case you are wondering, we still write on the walls. We plan on charting Dakota's growth, just like we do with Cheyenne.
P.S. I know my hair looks crazy in this picture. :)
Sick Day
Early this morning, around 3 am, I heard Dakota fussing. She had a fever, so I decided to stay home with her. By 9 am, she was back to normal/no fever, but she remained fussy on and off the rest of the day. Late this afternoon, I had to go to the pediatrician's office to get her second installment of the flu shot. While we were there, the doctor confirmed she has an ear infection. :(
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