I'm waiting on lab results to see what's up. The doctor didn't seem too concerned, about how or why, she thinks it will run it's course (possibly a bacterial infection) and I should be back to normal soon. She prescribed me a laundry list of prescriptions. One of them cost $130. I told the pharmacist, please do not fill that one. The one I decided to fill, does not allow me to nurse/feed Dakota. Time for the ol' pump and dump method. Joy. Dakota won't be going hungry anytime soon. This girl is well fed, just look at her arm. Plus, the girl has a stockpile of milk in the freezer.
With all that being said, Dallas Half Marathon is a week away and the last time I went for a run was about a week ago. December the 9th is going to be interesting. I think this is a common fear of runners -- we think if we go a week or two or longer without running, our body will forget what to do, once we start running again. It won't! Tell them Dakota! Sure we'll probably lose some of that musle progress, but it won't be terrible.
Now, here are the rest of my photos. Have a great weekend.
Don't give me those puppy eyes.