Saturday Long Run
Distance: 5.11 miles
Average Pace Per Mile: 10:09
Duration: 52 minutes
Weather: 66 degrees, but I was still sweating like crazy
I felt okay about this run. I took three rest breaks for 30 seconds. I caught my breath for a moment and chugged water. I drank about 8 oz of water.
I was done in less than an hour and this was considered my long run for the week. Yeah, I'm really liking this half marathon schedule. I know, that as the weeks progress, the miles and time, will be more demanding, but still this is not what I'm use to for a training schedule. I might have to reconsider more half marathon races. Now, I feel like I'm cheating on my ultra marathons. I'm sorry, I take it back (maybe).
Other than running and Jubilee of Tables, I also got a chance to spend quality time with my girls!
One last thing, this post deserves is chocolate and while I'm thinking about it, I deserve chocolate!....Paleo Brownies!
I tried this recipe and it is a keeper! Oh, and it's made in a slow-cooker, hellz to the yeah. Here's the simple recipe.
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