Back tracking a little bit....
This morning, I met with a few ladies from our church, they wanted to give Dakota a quilt. It's hard to see it in this picture, but Cheyenne is holding it in her arms. Yeah, so the ladies who gave her this quilt apparently make a quilt for all the new babies (in our congregation) and they've been doing this for years. One of our friends said his 18 year old son still has his blanket. Pretty cool! I'll see about getting pictures of Dakota enjoying her new snuggie.
Don't envy my formal PJ's;
Don't judge me either.
One thing we like to do every night is read before bedtime. We've started to include Dakota and Chey is all for it. I think Chey is going to be my little bookworm. It's never to early to get a head start. I'm just preparing her for college, one book at a time. :)
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