Last night, we had our first meal delivered to us. SOOOO MUCH FOOD.
Trey said, I hit the jack pot because it was everything I love. Meat, veggies, carbs, and cheesecake (not pictured).
After dinner, Trey and I enjoyed a Redbox movie, Chronicles. Trey had already seen it. Did you know he goes to the movies more than me? He goes by himself or with co-workers, while I'm at work, or he'll take Cheyenne. I think it's great, but whenever we go to rent a movie and we're trying to pick one, he'll be like, SEEN IT! SEEN THAT ONE TOO. BASICALLY, I'VE SEEN EVERYTHING.
Besides being awesome, ALL I DO
When I'm not taking care of Dakota and Cheyenne, this is what I've been doing at home....
-Enjoying the down time. Laughing, relaxing, sitting still...
- Napping and when I can't nap, I just rest in bed for at least an hour.
- Watching hours of Netlix and Hulu.
Do we have any 90210 fans? The original not the new one? I use to watch the original series, so I started watching the new series. It's actually embarrassingly good. Don't tell anyone else I'm watching this show, it's a guilty pleasure.
As Soon as Next Week
- I plan on getting out of the house. Park, library, mall, grocery store....anywhere. Mother's out there you know what I'm talking about. All of us could use the fresh air and different scenery. I think I'll also get with some friends and plan some outings.
I am embarrassed to say this but I watch the new one...its addicting!
ReplyDeleteThe library has storytime and other summer activities! Fort Worth libraries and Barnes and Noble stores have them too! Some of the museums have kid activities! I made a whole list of things to take Trentin too...I will find it and let you know what I found!
Ohhh, I'm interested in this list of yours. You will probably see us at the library this week.
i had a LOT of guilty pleasure netflix marathons while nursing carter, haha