Good News:
The baby jogger fits in the Focus.
The Bad New:
I'm not sure I can get it out.
I'm kidding, kind of....I managed to shove the jogger in the trunk, but it took some choice words and lots of sweat. I need to practice or see if it's possible to take the front wheel off or something, but I'm not sure if this jogger has that option. Suggestions are welcome. If this stroller won't work with this vehicle, I think I might cry.
Today, the girls and I ventured out of the house. This was my first outing, driving them around. We went shopping for a few essentials and then met Trey for lunch.
If you are ever in the Hudson Oaks area, you've got to try Big Burger. It's a great place to eat. I recommend the chef salad or the bunless bacon burger.
Dakota did great, while we were out. She actually stayed snuggled under a blanket while in her carseat and slept the entire time, so nobody got to see her cute outfit. So, I had to take a photo of her pink ruffly polka dotted cuteness. The world must see...Haha! And there is my baby trying to eat her hand. I promise, I feed her.
One more photo of her feet, just because they are adorable.
P.S. Last night was a good night. Feeding/Changing Times: 11 pm, 4:30 am, and 7:15 am. Not bad for a baby less than 2 weeks old. Not bad at all!
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