(A short break from the Instagram)
Here is a picture from my first communion. I still remember it! It was a special day for me. I'll be thinking about my niece when she makes her first communion.
This is a gift my mom got for Dakota. Her first silverware. How sophisticated. I hope they don't fall in the garbage disposable, while it's running. C'mon, you know I'm not the only one who has ever ruined a fork or spoon on an account of the disposal. I'll do my best to protect this special keepsake set.
Cheyenne sleeps like an angel.
If she naps too long, I go in her room and wake her up. I typically don't let her nap more than two hours, unless I know she's had a long day or will have a long night. I'm such a weird mom, but it works for our family. I must be doing something right because so far she seems to be doing fine.
This morning, I felt like doing some incline walking, so I used this workout, I found on Pinterest. 8% incline is no joke! I also watched an episode of The Chew. They were featuring Mac N' Cheese Recipes. YUM! Exercise + Food + Early Morning = Happy Dom.
Speaking of food:
Soon I'll do another post on the enduraFit Challenge. Here's what I had for dinner last night, FISH. Fish never sounds like a good option, until I'm eating it and then I'm like: Wow this is great, I should eat fish, more often! But then I forget, until the next time. DOH!
My fridge and my billion count eggs. Protein, anyone?
Well, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend. The in-laws will be in town, so we'll be spending time with them. Cheyenne has been seeing them a lot lately. That girl loves spending time with the family. She's always asking about them.
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