I know it's Wednesday, but I still feel like I'm recovering from the weekend. Perhaps, it was all that running. Hey, did anyone do Tax Free Weekend? I did. I secretly enjoy all the crowds, but it really wasn't' that bad. I went to Lululemon and EXPRESS and I spent way more money than I had planned, but it all came from my honey hole, so I'm okay with that.
Right now, Cheyenne is really starting to carry a conversation. She is also starting to use her imagination more. Yesterday, she kept telling me there was a bear in the hallway.
Oh, and she told me she was drinking COFFEE! Not fair, I'm not even drinking coffee these days (paleo challenge). That's so not cool, Cheyenne!
And now a look back...I love me some baby rolls.
Oh, my how they grow.
i might have something to do with the coffee thing :P