Thursday, August 25, 2011

Repetition - I Don't Mind It, Unless It's Hill Repeats

I've been talking to some friends who are doing paleo and a few have complained about how they get tired of eating the same food over and over again. For some people eggs for breakfast and a salad for lunch gets old for them-- FAST. Honestly, even before paleo I ate a salad, at least five times a week. I don't usually get burnt out on repeative meals -- as long as I can mix up my dinners. How about you?

Pre - Paleo I had these breakfast options: Oatmeal, Egg Burritos, Egg Bowls, Bacon, Cheese, Cereal, or Waffles (how I miss waffles). These days most of the time my breakfast looks like this. I usually, don't have time to make bacon during the work week, but eggs and fruit are the staple of my paleo breakfast diet. 
  Paleo BreakfastFruit 
Here is one thing, I've been doing a lot of lately - SLEEPING-IN. Sleeping in means, missing my morning workouts and running at night (blah). Cheyenne Sleeping-in 
Last night, I ran hill repeats. Nine times I ran up a hill for 500 meters and then down. By the time I ran a warm-up mile, hill repeats and then a cool down, I had covered over 5 miles. My legs are feeling it today. 


  1. Have you ever premade your bacon? I know you premake a lot of other stuff. My dad likes bacon every morning but doesn't like to cook and clean it up every morning so he cooks the whole pound on sat or mon and then puts it in a gallon ziplock bag in the fridge and pulls out a couple slices each morning. Also, it makes it easier if he wants to put it in scrambled eggs or omelets. Just a thought...maybe you already do it though.

  2. Erin---
    I've only made bacon a few hours in advance, but never in bulk like what you're talking about. I like my bacon crunchy. I wonder if putting it in the fridge makes it stale. I'll give it a try, soon. Thanks for the tip!

