Here is a Web MD Link about thrush if you're interested.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Little Case of Thrush
Cheyenne has contracted thrush. To my understanding thrush is an oral yeast infection. We got her an oral ointment which turns her mouth purple. I gave it to her last night and this morning her mouth is still a light shade of violet. About four weeks ago Cadence had it, two weeks later Chloe got it, and now Cheyenne has it.

Here is a Web MD Link about thrush if you're interested.
Here is a Web MD Link about thrush if you're interested.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
10 Month Growth Chart
Cheyenne is 10 months and growing like a weed.

She's growing like a weed and so is her hair. While I'm on the topic of hair, I'm getting really tired of straightening my hair. Really tired. So tired, I think I'm going to start embracing my natural hair. It's easy. It's convenient and on most days it's not so bad.
A while back, I went several weeks, maybe a month -- wearing my natural hair and then once I decided to go back to straight I looked really weird to me. Even Trey thought so. I'm on day two rocking the loose curls and right now "this" looks weird to me, but who knows, in a week or two this will be the norm.
It's funny because every other person who knows me says they didn't even know my hair looks like this.
She's growing like a weed and so is her hair. While I'm on the topic of hair, I'm getting really tired of straightening my hair. Really tired. So tired, I think I'm going to start embracing my natural hair. It's easy. It's convenient and on most days it's not so bad.
A while back, I went several weeks, maybe a month -- wearing my natural hair and then once I decided to go back to straight I looked really weird to me. Even Trey thought so. I'm on day two rocking the loose curls and right now "this" looks weird to me, but who knows, in a week or two this will be the norm.
It's funny because every other person who knows me says they didn't even know my hair looks like this.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Wiggle Worm
I like it when I hold Cheyenne away from my body and she kicks her legs. Oh, but she is so heavy.
This is when we were waiting for Mom and Frank on the front porch.
This is when we were waiting for Mom and Frank on the front porch.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Little Shiner
Cheyenne has her first shiner. She fell into the edge of an entertainment center at Leah's house. Poor baby.

By the way, a big shout out to my big sister: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, a big shout out to my big sister: HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
A Wonderful Day
9 Mile Run
Duration 1:31: 46
Average Pace Per Mile 10:09

I've always thought that carrying a water bottle, while running, is annoying, but this morning I tried something I never thought I would do: I ran with one. To my surprise, it was great, no it was life changing. The bottle didn't annoy me, in fact, somewhere around mile seven, I was thanking myself for carrying the water. Weird, but true. I know I mentioned something about carrying the camel pack on my runs, but that backpack rubbing on my shoulders for an hour and a half may cause some serious chafing. I think the water bottle is the way to go. It's a reusable bottle I took from Trey's mountain bike.
After my run, I went to church for a lunch event. The event is part of the Women's Ministry. They have it once a year and a host from each table has a themed-round table. The table I sat at had an a Chinese theme. I sat next to Liz, she's my running bud and friend.

I left early from that event, because Mom and Frank made a day trip to see us. We ended up at Central Market and some party store. For dinner we grilled some well seasoned chicken and had a hearty vegetable pack. Mmmm so good. It was nice visiting with them, since last time we went out to Abilene, we didn't get to see them.
Duration 1:31: 46
Average Pace Per Mile 10:09
I've always thought that carrying a water bottle, while running, is annoying, but this morning I tried something I never thought I would do: I ran with one. To my surprise, it was great, no it was life changing. The bottle didn't annoy me, in fact, somewhere around mile seven, I was thanking myself for carrying the water. Weird, but true. I know I mentioned something about carrying the camel pack on my runs, but that backpack rubbing on my shoulders for an hour and a half may cause some serious chafing. I think the water bottle is the way to go. It's a reusable bottle I took from Trey's mountain bike.
After my run, I went to church for a lunch event. The event is part of the Women's Ministry. They have it once a year and a host from each table has a themed-round table. The table I sat at had an a Chinese theme. I sat next to Liz, she's my running bud and friend.
I left early from that event, because Mom and Frank made a day trip to see us. We ended up at Central Market and some party store. For dinner we grilled some well seasoned chicken and had a hearty vegetable pack. Mmmm so good. It was nice visiting with them, since last time we went out to Abilene, we didn't get to see them.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Hello Coffee Station
Trey moved his fax machine to the office nook, which means I now have
a landing spot for my coffee. SWEET!
a landing spot for my coffee. SWEET!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Discovering New Food. We Eat What we Know.
Again, I’ve discovered more food. Of all things, it’s butternut squash. I know it’s not exactly an exotic vegetable, but I saw it at the grocery store and I thought Cheyenne would like it. We eat what we know and I never grew up eating it, but I want to introduce Cheyenne to a variety of veggies and fruits---even the ones I don’t normally eat. I better introduce the good stuff to her now before she gets to the phase of macaroni, pizza, and nuggets -- only.
Growing up, I remember my mom always had lettuce and tomatoes in the house. And now as an adult, “just about” every meal I have I eat it with greens and tomatoes.
Since, I’m on the topic of food, here is an interesting article I read in Runners World, by Mark Bittman. It's a list of items runners should have in their pantry. I added comments next to the list.
The Runner’s Pantry List
1. Grains—Check! My favorite way to get grains-oatmeal, waffles, pasta, and brown rice.
2. Beans--- You don’t have to tell me twice. We have these several times a week. Beans are the cornerstone of the Anderson kitchen.
3. Olive Oil—Check!
4. Long-Keeping Vegetables and Fruits---I typically have fresh veggies and fruit for myself. I should keep more cans and freezer items on hand.
5. Fresh Herbs---Cilantro is my herb of choice.
6. Spices—Ummm Cumin?
7. Vinegar—Balsamic & Red Wine Vinegar
8. Soy Sauce—Nope---I never buy this stuff. Too much salt in soy sauce, but I wouldn’t mind making a stir-fry dish and adding a small amount of soy sauce to it.
9. Parmesan---Check!
10. Dried Fruit and Nuts—Cranberry’s for my granola bars, walnuts for oatmeal, and peanuts for a fast snack.
11. Eggs—Always in the fridge.
12. Bacon---We always have bacon on the weekend.
13. Canned Tomatoes---Nope. I do fresh. But like I said, I need to buy more can products.
14. Sweeteners—I do light brown sugar for most treats and white sugar for coffee. I don’t like artificial sugars.
15. Dried Mushrooms—on rare occasions I buy mushrooms, but they are tasty.
The article left off a crucial item, CHOCOALTE! Every runner needs a treat in the pantry. What’s the point of running 16 miles a week without a few treats?
Read the original article.
Growing up, I remember my mom always had lettuce and tomatoes in the house. And now as an adult, “just about” every meal I have I eat it with greens and tomatoes.
Since, I’m on the topic of food, here is an interesting article I read in Runners World, by Mark Bittman. It's a list of items runners should have in their pantry. I added comments next to the list.
The Runner’s Pantry List
1. Grains—Check! My favorite way to get grains-oatmeal, waffles, pasta, and brown rice.
2. Beans--- You don’t have to tell me twice. We have these several times a week. Beans are the cornerstone of the Anderson kitchen.
3. Olive Oil—Check!
4. Long-Keeping Vegetables and Fruits---I typically have fresh veggies and fruit for myself. I should keep more cans and freezer items on hand.
5. Fresh Herbs---Cilantro is my herb of choice.
6. Spices—Ummm Cumin?
7. Vinegar—Balsamic & Red Wine Vinegar
8. Soy Sauce—Nope---I never buy this stuff. Too much salt in soy sauce, but I wouldn’t mind making a stir-fry dish and adding a small amount of soy sauce to it.
9. Parmesan---Check!
10. Dried Fruit and Nuts—Cranberry’s for my granola bars, walnuts for oatmeal, and peanuts for a fast snack.
11. Eggs—Always in the fridge.
12. Bacon---We always have bacon on the weekend.
13. Canned Tomatoes---Nope. I do fresh. But like I said, I need to buy more can products.
14. Sweeteners—I do light brown sugar for most treats and white sugar for coffee. I don’t like artificial sugars.
15. Dried Mushrooms—on rare occasions I buy mushrooms, but they are tasty.
The article left off a crucial item, CHOCOALTE! Every runner needs a treat in the pantry. What’s the point of running 16 miles a week without a few treats?
Read the original article.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Story Time & Rush-Rush
Cheyenne loves books.

At the Zoo, is one of her favorite books.

Yesterday, Trey made a trip to Abilene to take a certification exam and he didn’t make it home until 8pm. So, last night I was in rush/survival mode before bedtime.
After work is a scramble to begin with, but it was crazy not having Trey around to help with Cheyenne. He usually watches her and helps feed her while I cook dinner. She ate and I ate last night, so I guess we survived and the kitchen was cleaned before I went for a run. Not bad. I just felt like it was rush-rush. It’s always rush-rush.
On a side note, the cold front is still lingering. It makes me want to go for a run outside, but by the time I get home and settled, it’s already dark outside…not fair.
At the Zoo, is one of her favorite books.
Yesterday, Trey made a trip to Abilene to take a certification exam and he didn’t make it home until 8pm. So, last night I was in rush/survival mode before bedtime.
After work is a scramble to begin with, but it was crazy not having Trey around to help with Cheyenne. He usually watches her and helps feed her while I cook dinner. She ate and I ate last night, so I guess we survived and the kitchen was cleaned before I went for a run. Not bad. I just felt like it was rush-rush. It’s always rush-rush.
On a side note, the cold front is still lingering. It makes me want to go for a run outside, but by the time I get home and settled, it’s already dark outside…not fair.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First Day of Fall. First Cold Front.
Yesterday, a storm rolled through and today we have a nice cold front.

I couldn't believe these clouds and I had to take a picture with my cell phone.
I couldn't believe these clouds and I had to take a picture with my cell phone.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Cowboys Game
Sunday, September 20, 2009
A Fan All Her Life
She won't be going to the game with us and she was born a week before Thanksgiving.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Mid-Morning Run & Cowboys Stadium
6.23 Mile Run
Time: 1:05:58
Averavge Pace Per Mile: 10:35

This morning I almost didn't go running because my throat felt sore. By mid morning, I had some breakfast and I felt a lot better, so I figured I might as well go running. Cheyenne joined me for two miles and let me tell you, it's not easy running and pushing a 20 lb. baby.
After my run, I cleaned up and headed to Arlington to meet Cortnee for lunch and later ended up at Cowboys Stadium (Trey's idea). We bought Cheyenne a Romo jersey, from the Pro Shop. Every Sunday, when the Cowboys play a game, Trey and I wear our jerseys to church and now Cheyenne can wear hers too.

A reporter saw us outside and asked to interview Trey and Cheyenne. Hopefully, they'll be on tonight.

We are really excited about the game tomorrow. Over 100,000 people are expected to be there. The game comes on NBC at 7:15 pm. Look for us, we'll be wearing blue jersey's.
Time: 1:05:58
Averavge Pace Per Mile: 10:35
This morning I almost didn't go running because my throat felt sore. By mid morning, I had some breakfast and I felt a lot better, so I figured I might as well go running. Cheyenne joined me for two miles and let me tell you, it's not easy running and pushing a 20 lb. baby.
After my run, I cleaned up and headed to Arlington to meet Cortnee for lunch and later ended up at Cowboys Stadium (Trey's idea). We bought Cheyenne a Romo jersey, from the Pro Shop. Every Sunday, when the Cowboys play a game, Trey and I wear our jerseys to church and now Cheyenne can wear hers too.
A reporter saw us outside and asked to interview Trey and Cheyenne. Hopefully, they'll be on tonight.
We are really excited about the game tomorrow. Over 100,000 people are expected to be there. The game comes on NBC at 7:15 pm. Look for us, we'll be wearing blue jersey's.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Running Playlist
I will put this playlist on shuffle, but here it is. The playlist is over an hour and a half, which should get me through a long run.
So, I was listening to the radio and heard a familar chorus line. It was the same chorus in Imogen Heap's song, Hide and Seek. I first heard of Imogen when I downloaded the Last Kiss Soundtrack, which by the way is an amazing soundtrack and movie. The remix that Jason Derulo did is pretty good, but I really like the original version too. I never imagined this song would be remixed, but it works.
Imogen Heap's Version
Jason Derulo's Version/Remix of Hide & Seek. His version is called whatcha-say. If you haven't heard this song on the radio, don't worry, by the end of the week/month/year radio stations will play it to death.
Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
So, I was listening to the radio and heard a familar chorus line. It was the same chorus in Imogen Heap's song, Hide and Seek. I first heard of Imogen when I downloaded the Last Kiss Soundtrack, which by the way is an amazing soundtrack and movie. The remix that Jason Derulo did is pretty good, but I really like the original version too. I never imagined this song would be remixed, but it works.
Imogen Heap's Version
Jason Derulo's Version/Remix of Hide & Seek. His version is called whatcha-say. If you haven't heard this song on the radio, don't worry, by the end of the week/month/year radio stations will play it to death.
Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
New Found Interest
Cheyenne has discovered Baby Einstein. My boss gave her several BE DVD's and Cheyenne seems to really like it. Amazingly, it grabs her attention.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Baby Jogger is Back in Service
For a few weeks, the jogger has been out of commission. I thought it needed some air, but apparently one of the tubes had a huge gash. We found a replacement tube at a bicycle shop. While we were there, at the shop, I browsed some of the bikes and it makes me feel good that my hobby is more affordable than cycling.
Anyways, we got Cheyenne a tube at a wonderful price of three dollars and some change. Not bad. She's up and rolling and I'm hoping to take her for a run soon. This evening we took a family walk. It was a nice warm up before my 4 mile run.

Originally, I was planning on running outside, but after the walk I was ready to be indoors. The humidity and mosquitos, not to mention it's getting so dark so fast these days. Time change is approaching, I can feel it.

Well, it's time to go to bed. Last night, Cheyenne woke up with a low-grade fever--100 degrees. She also woke up, crying with a wet-leaky diaper. I cleaned her up, gave her some medicine, and put her back down. The medicine helped because in a matter of hours her temperature dropped back to normal. Okay, goodnight everyone.
Anyways, we got Cheyenne a tube at a wonderful price of three dollars and some change. Not bad. She's up and rolling and I'm hoping to take her for a run soon. This evening we took a family walk. It was a nice warm up before my 4 mile run.
Originally, I was planning on running outside, but after the walk I was ready to be indoors. The humidity and mosquitos, not to mention it's getting so dark so fast these days. Time change is approaching, I can feel it.
Well, it's time to go to bed. Last night, Cheyenne woke up with a low-grade fever--100 degrees. She also woke up, crying with a wet-leaky diaper. I cleaned her up, gave her some medicine, and put her back down. The medicine helped because in a matter of hours her temperature dropped back to normal. Okay, goodnight everyone.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Unintentional Vegetarian
Okay, so it's been a while since I made a batch of meat for Cheyenne. She's still getting protein from other food sources, but I should really give her meat. This afternoon, I cooked her up some ground turkey. Before I put it away, I made turkey -tacos for myself. Wow, my first ground turkey experience...a tasty surprise! All these years, I've been missing out. I think Cheyenne will love it too. I'll probably mix it with potatoes.

Well, today we're taking it easy. I made my third batch of granola bars. The orginally batch I made I used fresh honey. Erin got it from someone who had a bee farm, I guess that's what they're called. Well, I ran out of that honey, so for this batch, I had to use some store bought stuff. The bars I made today taste great, but they're falling apart, I think I need to try a different type of honey. The one I have is called clover honey. Don't know much about this bee businees, but I know I will not be putting clover honey in the next batch, unless I want granola crumbs.
Well, today it's too gloomy to be outdoors. Rain is still in the forecast for the next few days and it's really messing with my training schedule. Saturday, I didn't go for my long run because of a thunderstorm. So yesterday afternoon, I planned on running 7 miles on the treadmill. That was the plan, but I only ran 3 miles. Trey was suppose to watch Cheyenne while watching football. They were in the living room and she kept crawling to bedroom door and crying because she knew I was in there. She is definitely a momma's girl....BIG TIME. I always tell her, "We're peanut butter and jelly!" Trey says he's the white bread.
Well, today we're taking it easy. I made my third batch of granola bars. The orginally batch I made I used fresh honey. Erin got it from someone who had a bee farm, I guess that's what they're called. Well, I ran out of that honey, so for this batch, I had to use some store bought stuff. The bars I made today taste great, but they're falling apart, I think I need to try a different type of honey. The one I have is called clover honey. Don't know much about this bee businees, but I know I will not be putting clover honey in the next batch, unless I want granola crumbs.
Well, today it's too gloomy to be outdoors. Rain is still in the forecast for the next few days and it's really messing with my training schedule. Saturday, I didn't go for my long run because of a thunderstorm. So yesterday afternoon, I planned on running 7 miles on the treadmill. That was the plan, but I only ran 3 miles. Trey was suppose to watch Cheyenne while watching football. They were in the living room and she kept crawling to bedroom door and crying because she knew I was in there. She is definitely a momma's girl....BIG TIME. I always tell her, "We're peanut butter and jelly!" Trey says he's the white bread.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
The Abilene Day Trip
Saturday we went to Abilene for Maghen's Bridal Shower.

Check out this massive cake. I took a big slice over to Trey's parents and Trey thought it was all for him and he ate the entire slice! It was good, I guess I can't blame him.

We got them a spice rack...Oooo that's nice! I ran out of wrapping paper and Trey suggested I use the Dora the Explorer wrap, we had at the house. He said, "Meghan will love it." And she did.

Cheyenne playing on the table.

Table Decorations

A cross one of her family members got them.

We also had a chance to stop by Amy's and visit.

Angelica and Cheyenne always have fun playing together.

Cooking and Baking in the kitchen.

Look at my little angel. I mean Sunshine....Angelica is the Angel.
Check out this massive cake. I took a big slice over to Trey's parents and Trey thought it was all for him and he ate the entire slice! It was good, I guess I can't blame him.
We got them a spice rack...Oooo that's nice! I ran out of wrapping paper and Trey suggested I use the Dora the Explorer wrap, we had at the house. He said, "Meghan will love it." And she did.
Cheyenne playing on the table.
Table Decorations
A cross one of her family members got them.
We also had a chance to stop by Amy's and visit.
Angelica and Cheyenne always have fun playing together.
Cooking and Baking in the kitchen.
Look at my little angel. I mean Sunshine....Angelica is the Angel.
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