Time: 1:05:58
Averavge Pace Per Mile: 10:35
This morning I almost didn't go running because my throat felt sore. By mid morning, I had some breakfast and I felt a lot better, so I figured I might as well go running. Cheyenne joined me for two miles and let me tell you, it's not easy running and pushing a 20 lb. baby.
After my run, I cleaned up and headed to Arlington to meet Cortnee for lunch and later ended up at Cowboys Stadium (Trey's idea). We bought Cheyenne a Romo jersey, from the Pro Shop. Every Sunday, when the Cowboys play a game, Trey and I wear our jerseys to church and now Cheyenne can wear hers too.
A reporter saw us outside and asked to interview Trey and Cheyenne. Hopefully, they'll be on tonight.
We are really excited about the game tomorrow. Over 100,000 people are expected to be there. The game comes on NBC at 7:15 pm. Look for us, we'll be wearing blue jersey's.
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