Anyways, we got Cheyenne a tube at a wonderful price of three dollars and some change. Not bad. She's up and rolling and I'm hoping to take her for a run soon. This evening we took a family walk. It was a nice warm up before my 4 mile run.
Originally, I was planning on running outside, but after the walk I was ready to be indoors. The humidity and mosquitos, not to mention it's getting so dark so fast these days. Time change is approaching, I can feel it.
Well, it's time to go to bed. Last night, Cheyenne woke up with a low-grade fever--100 degrees. She also woke up, crying with a wet-leaky diaper. I cleaned her up, gave her some medicine, and put her back down. The medicine helped because in a matter of hours her temperature dropped back to normal. Okay, goodnight everyone.
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