Trey put a flag pole in the front yard so he could wave his Dallas Cowboys flag.
Here you see him taking down the American flag.....

Replacing it with football pride

Let's see, he has the hat, the watch, the flag, all he's lacking is the jersey.

Sunday morning, I plan on wearing my Cowboys jersey to church. I tried it on a few hours ago to see if it would fit and I have to say it's snug. I definitely have to wear a long undershirt with it, just in case my belly decides to pop out.
Sunday afternoon, we're having a group of people over to watch the game. We'll see how well the house can accommodate multiple guests. From what I hear, we should have a good amount of people over.
Trey said that while the guys are watching the game, the girls are going to be scapbooking at somebody's house. I looked at him like,
you're crazy if you think I'm going to miss the first game of the season to go scrapbooking. He later told me, was was just joking.