When I can, I like to start my Monday morning with a quick run. Well, this morning my bed was so comfortable so I slept in. Mid-morning I decided I would run on the treadmill, while the girls were awake. It was hard. Dakota wanted to be near me, which makes me nervous, when the treadmill is on. I don't want her to go flying off the belt. I tried getting toys out, giving her snacks, and at one point, I even moved furniture to where it would be harder for her to get to me. All of those things kept her attention for a little while, but she kept coming back to me.
It was like she was telling me, "I'm going to make this as difficult for you as I can!!! HAHAHAHAHA!"(evil baby laugh)
Even with all of that, I managed to get 3 miles in, but it was tough!!!!! She made me work for it.
Did you guys have a good weekend? We did. I posted some Jubilee of Tables photos, oh and TMB concert...we did that. Trey went to the Rangers game this weekend with the guys. While he was there, the girls and I went to Central Market for lunch and shopping. I got Chey this pre-made lunch box and found out Dakota loves raisins. Great! I'm always looking for new snack ideas for the girls.
Dakota and I sat under a periungual and watched Chey play, before we went shopping.
Do you like raisins? I don't, but I can tolerate golden raisins. I prefer dried cranberries.
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