The girls and I went for a walk, earlier this week. To be honest, it was quite miserable. It was 98 degrees. Yuck! If it's above 90, just stay inside. Ha! Really.
It kind of made me wish we had a pool. Well, I'm thankful for neighbors who let us swim in theirs.
Lately, Dakota has been obsessed with the remote control. If it's in sight, she has to have it. It makes it very challenging when I want to surf channels.
Do you want to know what I've enjoyed this week? Getting to take my lunch break twice this week, with my girls. Dakota was over there eating a cheese stick. She's getting really good at feeding herself. Actually, she prefers to feed herself and it gets really messy. It almost makes me wish we had a dog. You know to clean the floor....but the hair and responsibility-- one day we'll get a family dog, but not now.
I got some good news in the mail this week...Here is the story highlighted on UTA News Center.
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