I immediately started asking to see if any of my friends were interested in watching my girls. My selection pool was slim and none of my stay-at-home mommy friends were interested in a full-time childcare gig. I reached out to Erin and asked for her help. Initially, I begged her to move back to Ft. Worth, but that didn't go over too well. She did the next best thing and got me in contact with Amanda.
Amanda is a stay-at-home mom and photographer. She worked at the school Cheyenne attended, when Erin was watching her. Amanda has two boys. Her oldest is 4 years old (a day older or younger than Cheyenne (I can't remember)) and her youngest son is 1 (I think). She started watching my girls last Friday and Chey has been talking non-stop about it. I don't blame her -- here is a glimpse of what they have been up to.
The Zoo!
Story time at the library and crafts (pictured with Angelica at my house).
I want Mrs. Amanda to watch me too! Seriously, can you imagine if you were a kid...
Today, they had picnic at the park.
Yay!!!! I'm so glad it's working out :)