The conference was in Colleyville and I was extremely paranoid about not being able to find the place, so I made sure I had triple coverage: SYNC, Google maps and my favorite GPS ---> TREY. I have trust issues, when it comes to GPS services. It's not them, it's me. Sometimes they can be quirky or they will lead me on a route that I would rather not take because of road construction or just preference. By the way, I like my Ford SYNC and I use it. It actually helped me last month, find UPS, when my iPhone map failed me, so thank you SYNC!
I'm using my personal gear and I love the freedom of it. It has been the best investment I've made all year.
While I've been working, Dakota has been on an on and off again feeding strike. I fed her this morning at 6 am. Trey is texting me, even as I write this post at 2:30 pm -- she still has not had anything to eat. She's not fussy, but she's not on her normal feeding schedule of every 3 hours. She did the same thing yesterday, but as soon as I got home, she was ready to eat. I guess, she just wants momma, it's flattering, but it's flattery that I can do without.
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