I apologize for the annoyingly high pitch baby voice, some lady is doing. Watch it and dismiss me-I mean HER, because Dakota's too cute not to watch this...
Wow, that lady was really jabbing her, no wonder she didn't laugh.
Today, we got great news, Chey's doctor said her collarbone is healing fine and she doesn't have to wear the sling anymore. That's great, especially since I had her moving a lot today. We are in the process of decluttering our home and I asked Chey to look at all her toys and books and decide what she wanted to donate and what she wanted to keep. It went better than I thought. We had a system: our words were Keep? or Give?
"Chey, what about this book? Keep or Give?" And then she'd tell me.
She wanted to give away a lot. I had to tell her no, on more than one item. She wanted to give away the book Goodnight Moon. I don't think so!
In my declutter mood, I decided to sell our old coffee table. We bought it from Ashley's Furniture about 7 years ago. Trey wanted to donate it to Goodwill and I said, no I want to see if I can sell it. So, I posted it on FaceBook for 20 bucks. A STEAL, if you ask me. I think we spent at least 300 on it. I didn't care to make my money back, I just wanted haircut money. Within 3 minutes of posting the picture online, my old friend D'Ann snatched it up. She came over to my house and we chatted for a while. Old friend. Old memories.
After she left, I got the "get rid of junk bug" (even more) and decided to give this away --- NOT THE BABY, BTW that's Cheyenne (april 2010). I wasn't going to try to make a profit on the baby glider/rocking chair, since it was given to me, as a hand me down.
Have you ever sold anything on FaceBook? I got a good response and it makes me want to do it again. Hmmm, (looking around the room) What else can I get rid of?????
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