She loved the mobile. LOVED> LOVED>LOVED IT! She was waving her arms and legs with excitement. I put her to bed at 8:30 pm and when I check on her 30 minutes later, she was still awake, admiring it. Thank goodness it has a timer, otherwise she'd be watching the animals all night like it was a movie.
In case you can't make out who you're looking at, it's yours truly and Cheyenne. My front facing camera is always dirty. I blame it on my case. I feel like I got a new phone because I recently cleaned my phone case. #thrifty
Sweet Cheeks!
This is my typical morning hydration. I start consuming these fluids at 6 am - and by 9 am, I'm done and I start to refill my water.
This is the order:
1. Recovery Shake - Supposedly it helps with muscle recovery. I drink it within an hour of working out, which is important. Honestly, I don't care what it does, all I know is that it taste like a chocolate milkshake.
2. Coffee - You guys, I've been consuming 12-14 ounces of caffeine most mornings (I'll occasionally drink decaf too). I know I said I was going to do decaf for at least a year, BUTTTTTT the caffeine doesn't seem to phase Dakota. #DreamBaby
Not exactly, this week in photos, since this is from last week....
Last Friday, I did some freelance work. A faculty asked me to take a photo of her and her husband. He is a pastor and they wanted a picture to put on their website. I said sure. I didn't charge them much, (Depending on the request, I don't usually charge if it's church related, but if I do charge, my rates are super affordable). For this job, I made enough to take my family out for dinner. My treat!
This is me with utilizing the camera timer. You do what you gotta do, when you don't have people around willing to help you set lights and exposure.
You guys have a wonderful weekend!
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