Last night, Trey and I went to a dinner party. It was nice having adult time and getting to know some of the couples in our Sunday Morning Church Class. Brisket was provided by our hosts and everyone else took sides and desserts, to share.
Our wonderful hosts, Karon and Gene. Thank you for a fun, group date night!
My Date
My hair is starting to lighten-up. Yay, for that.
I took pictures of all the couples at the party. We have some good looking folks, in our class.
This is the salad I shared with everyone. I also took some MAC, not nearly as pretty or colorful as this salad.
After dinner, we played the Newlywed Game.
Questions I was asked about Trey ---
1. If Trey was asked who takes out the trash more often, he would say?
My Answer: HIM
His Answer: HIM
2. It's 10 o'clock at night, What is he doing? What are you doing?
My Answer: Passed out on the sofa. In bed watching the 10 o'clock news.
His Answer: Passed out on the sofa. In bed watching the 10 o'clock news.
3. What does he do that annoys you the most?
My Answer: He eats out too much
His Answer: He Talks on the phone too loud
4. What is Trey's favorite meal?
My Answer: Red Beans & Cornbread
His Answer: Red Beans & Cornbread
5. Bonus Question: Where did you go on your first date?
My Answer: Olive Garden
His Answer: Movies
In our defense, we've been dating for-forever, so our first date was probably something like him coming over to my house to hang out. We were like 13/14 years old, people!
Questions Trey was asked about Me ---
1. Dom loses/misplaces this often ____
His Answer: Socks
My Answer: iPhone -- I misplace it, often when I'm at the house.
2. When making dinner, she will ask you not to make this _____
His Answer: Salad
My Answer: Spaghetti
3. Who is the bigger baby, when they are sick, him or her?
His Answer: Him
My Answer: Him
4. I can't think of the last question-- how annoying! If it comes to me I'll post it, later.
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