Cheyenne is back in town with us. She's such a sweetheart, it's nice having her back. The house was too quite without her. Yesterday, she spent the afternoon at her table coloring and watching CareBears.
Here are the latest pictures of us measuring her height. Yes, we write on the walls.
She looks so big in this photo and all sophisticated with her dangly earrings. Before too long, she'll be asking to borrow the car.
Looking Back
8 Months
10 Months
12 Months
Present Day
Road to Recovery
I decided to sleep in this morning and not workout and my body is loving all the rest & recovery. After a race (a half or greater), I typically take at least one does of Tylenol. The last two days, I took some, but today, I don't think I'll need it.
In case you are wondering what's in the plastic baggie, it's pork rinds. My taste buds must be changing because up until recently, I hated them. I also hated dark chocolate and now, I crave the stuff.
Depending on how I feel tonight, I may workout on my home elliptical. I'll wait until after Cheyenne is in bed for the night. Oh, here is my DailyMile Log from last week. The reason you see 15 miles for Sunday is because I counted my Cowtown parking hike! Why, not? It was a nice little workout!
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