We woke up, ate some cookies, set up the camcorder and started opening gifts.
It was so delightful, to see Chey's face filled with excitement. I have some video clips, I'd like to share with you all, later.
A few months ago, Trey went to a gun show. He's been telling me for weeks, that he got me two presents from the show and he was so excited to give them to me. One gift was pepper spray. I think I still have my pepper spray keychain from 2005, when I lived in Los Angeles. It never hurts too have too many, that is unless they are in your eyes.
The other gun show gift was a taser gun. What? Don't mess with me! I might be carrying this during my runs. You never know. Such a strange gift to give, but I appreciate it. Thanks Trey.
I knew Trey got me dishes, I just knew it...I like this set, even though I asked for white. COLOR, you gotta live a little, so why keep it boring (Cowboys Blue). Plus, this set kind of looks like the fiesta brand. Now, come on over so I can use them. I love hosting. What should I make you?
After I unwrapped the gift, Trey insisted I take out all the dishes. I thought that was strange, but I went along with it.
As I was taking out one of the coffee mugs, I was like what in the world is this?
Trey stashed a Nike+ GPS Tom Tom Watch in the mug!!!
Someone paid attention to my Christmas wish list. (Blog POST)
The watch was really a far fetch wish. I never thought he'd get it for me. I hoped he'd get it, but I wasn't going to hold my breath.
You know how some people make ugly faces when they cry? Well, it looks like I make a super jacked-up --- ugly face when I'm surprised. Whoa, I need to work on my surprise face. Ha! If I don't embarrass myself, who will? Christmas joy to all.
Chey playing with her portable DVD player. This will come in so handy during long commutes and road trips to Abilene. Thanks Nana and Poppy.
In case you are wondering what I got Trey, he played Santa for himself. He bought all his gifts before Christmas, so I didn't have any fun getting him anything, big. His big gift was a portable quick shade stand. He uses it at work, it protects him from the heat when he's working on hot roofs and such and also protects him from snow/rain. Oh, he also got a new PS4 game, Battlefield. I got him a few stocking stuffers though = Wife of the year award right here.
Chey scored big time. Thanks family and friends for sending us gifs. Chey loved what you got her and we made sure she knew who got her what.
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas. Thanks for reading our family blog. I enjoy sharing our experiences with you all.
Merry Christmas again!
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