Getting up in the middle of the night was never exhausting for me, but I do appreciate it now that she’s finally getting the idea that she shouldn’t be awake at nighttime…I just wish my body would adjust to this new schedule. Perhaps in a few days, my body will get the clue, in the meantime, I’ll be in that sort of kind of deep sleep-but I’m still half awake and ready to wake up at any moments notice----sleep.
From what I hear and see in this picture, Cheyenne is doing great at Leah’s. A few days ago, Leah said she glanced over and saw Timothy (her son) and Cheyenne snuggled up on the sofa. Lately, Cheyenne only knows one facial expression and your looking at it: wide eye baby.

In the last couple of weeks, I think I’m learning more and more that Cheyenne and I are very similar. Like me, she seems to do well on a loose schedule. We may have things or events pop up, that are not part of our regular schedule, but as long as we have a little bit of consistency in the day, we’re good.
Recently, we joined a new cell group (similar to a bible study), which meets once a week. I should also mention it’s during the weekday. Yeah, as if waking up super early, working 10 hour shifts and commuting to and from work aren’t enough in a day, we have one more thing to add.
Well, last night, was our first meeting and at first, I was hesitant to commit, but Cheyenne did great, so I guess we’ll be okay. She was awake the entire time and she didn’t need to be soothed with a pacifier. I’m sure the reason why she couldn’t sleep was because she was too busy exploding in her diaper. Somewhere between the group prayer and worship time, she let out some loud, long, juicy, wet farts! All I have to say is she doesn’t get that from her mom. She can get away with it now, but if she’s still doing this at age 16, we might need to get her some help.
So, back to what I was saying, once we got home, I was going to put her to bed, but Trey said we shouldn’t change her bath time schedule. He’s right, so I gave her a bath, like I do every night and then put her to bed. After last night, I feel better knowing that as long as we throw in some of her regular routine we shouldn’t have any problems changing the rest of her schedule around, from time to time.
That is such a sweet picture!!! Beautiful little girl!