Like we normally do, we made cookies for Santa. He likes chocolate chip cookies.

After making cookies, we went to a Christmas play at a local church. Our neighbors were participating in it and we wanted to support them. Immediately following that, I went to our home church for the Christmas Eve service. We look forward to that every single year! Like I mentioned in the previous post, we looked at Christmas lights and got home kind of late. The girls went to bed around 10 pm and to my knowledge they slept the entire night.
I woke up before them. It was around 7:30 am when they woke up.

After we opened Christmas gifts and cleaned up a little, we drove to Abilene. We took the airstream with us and parked it next to Trey's parents RV-homesite. They live in a small town outside of Abilene.
These 2 pictures below were taken the day after we arrived.

While I was in Abilene, I made tamales with my mom and younger sister, Natasha. This was my first time to make them. Mom says I'm a natural. :)

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