Monday, January 14, 2013

My $43 Running Shoes

I'm sick of dropping a hundo, every time my running shoes wear out. So, I'm stepping outside of my comfort zone and I'm trying a more affordable option. With a gift card and a clearance deal, I paid $43 dollars out of pocket for a pair of Nike LunarFly+3 Trail shoes. Let's use the term TRAIL lightly, since the majority of my runs will be on the treadmill and pavement.

My feet like Nike LunarGlide shoes, which retail for $100. LunarGlide...LunarFly -- ehhh my feet won't know the difference. Right??? I ran 2 miles this evening and so far, they are like any new pair of running shoes: they make me feel like I can run faster and longer. They want me to like them and it's working, keep it comin'! 

Don't be quick to judge, I know the shoes look kind of fugly, but in person they look better. Forget it, I don't have to convince you to like them, I just saved 50 something bucks and that's all that matters. HA!

NIke LunarFly+3

While I'm chatting about running, I had another decent running week. I hoped for 30 miles, but I'll take 28. I worked really hard for those last three on Sunday. The only disappointment was not making time for yoga.
And just because I'll leave you a picture of my girls. 
About them (today) 
- I signed the commitment contract and paid dues for Cheyenne to perform in the company's ballet, spring performance. She is excited! 
- Dakota tried bananas for the first time today and didn't love them. 
The Girls

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