Friday, January 04, 2013

Cotton Bowl: The Boys and The Girl

The boys will be at the Cotton Bowl, this evening. So tune in, I think the game will air on FOX. I will see if I can spot them while they are at Cowboys Stadium. Next year, they should wear neon pink, that way it'll be easier to see them.
Cotton Bowl 2013
Oh, yeah and Cheyenne will be there too.
The Cotton Bowl is becoming a Daddy, Daughter tradition, this will her third year to attend. She was very excited and she was bouncing off the pavement when she visited me at work. I asked her,  did Daddy give you lots of sugar??? And she said, YES!!!! As she was jumping up and down.
Cotton Bowl 2013
This girl loves her Daddy. What a sweet moment.
Cotton Bowl 2013
Well, I enjoyed them swinging by to see me, during my break. It was a nice treat.
It looks like, it's going to be a girls night for me - I'll be hanging out with my niece and Dakota.
Cotton Bowl 2013

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