This is the campus court at UTA. It's beautiful.
Things are looking cozy at home too. Pay no mind to Grand Theft Auto on the TV screen.
Is it Time Yet?
Cheyenne has a hard time grasping time. I should've never told her, I'd be on vacation next week, because this entire week, she's been asking me, "Today, are you staying home???" She's excited about all the time we will spend together. Here recently she's become a real home-body. She gets irritated (seriously), when we have to leave the house and run an errand. She's like Mom, I just want to be at home!!!
Dakota Bear
Trey has been calling her that, lately, but Cheyenne still calls her Bay-Kota. Nobody else consistenly calls her Bay-Kota, except for Chey. If she continues, I'm sure we'll all fall into that habit too.
Santa is Coming to Town!!!
In a few days, we open presents!!!! I wonder what I'm gonna get this year. I'm sure Trey is wondering the same thing too (in reference to me). He is waiting until the final hour to go shopping. I suppose, it's not as crazy as me going shopping on Thanksgiving night. Right? I got some pretty good deals! You're welcome, bank account.
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