My precious baby got four shots. She was not happy. To make matters worse, she pooped all over herself, while we were at the doctors office. It was a mess and I had to clean it up. My afternoon got better, keep reading...
I wanted to Crawl Under a Rock
Before leaving the doctors office, I took the girls to a small bathroom (not stalls, an actually one toilet bathroom). We crammed into the space and as I sat on the toilet, I told Cheyenne not to open the door. Well, guess what Cheyenne did? She swung open the door and the entire lobby (okay, maybe it was only four people, all women) saw me with my pants down for approximately 8 seconds). Their jaws dropped and I was like oh, well. I mean what do you do? Apologize???? I don't know. The women who saw me in my half birthday suit, are all employees in the doctors office. I'm sure I will be that story they tell, year after year. Ha!
In case you are wondering, Cheyenne got in trouble for not listening. She was pretty upset, once she realized she embarrassed me. Now, that's it's all said and done, I guess it is pretty funny - I just wish all the people who saw me, were complete strangers. I have to see them in 30 days, for a follow-up appointment for Dakota. Anyone know of a good pediatrician, in the area?
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