1. Waking up sore, from a long run.
2. Only having to do one load of laundry and not the usual 50.
3. Seeing my sister and niece.
4. Ladies Night - spending time with my friends and meeting some new ones.
5. Eating Chocolate.
6. The best part of all was spending time with my girls.
I pulled my hair back in a bun and it looks like I got a face-lift (77 year old version of me, take note!)
Today, was the first day Chey really played with Dakota. Chey told me, her and Dakota were going to act like babies and I was going to act like the momma. We were playing "pretend" --- okay....
Chey was also feeding her pretend food. I had to keep telling her, to not stick the play fork in her mouth.
I only have a few more weeks, until Dallas half marathon.
It was a sleeping mess this weekend. I was so tired. Saturday and Sunday morning, I wanted to sleep-in and I did. If I don't get out of bed and running at a certain point - my runs don't happen. I simply talk myself out of them and that's what happened. I was determined not to let a weekend go by - and miss a long run. So, I made plans to run late Sunday. At 8:50 pm I started my long run and by 10:30 pm, I was wrapping it up. 10 miles suck it!
Next week, I will do my best to not put off my long run. I am a morning runner. Late night running is not for me.
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