This weekend is Jubilee of Tables and this is the first time I've volunteered to decorate a table. I'm working with a group of ladies from my Sunday school class. Here are some of the items I bought to decorate and to use as favors. Can you guess what our theme is?
We are in the process of looking for fabric to use as a tablecloth...I don't think Chey liked this print.
The girl is always in pose ready mode
By now, the theme should be pretty obvious. It's a school theme.
I'm curious to see how this will come together. It's nice to have crafty people on my side. It's not a competition, but that doesn't mean we don't want it to look amazing.
Scrambling to Make Childcare Arrangements
Please keep Tonya, my friend who watches the girls, in your prayers. She has pneumonia. I can't imagine being that sick. She described her symptoms and it sounds like hell. She sent her kids off to their grandparents for the week and I've made other arrangements for my girls. I'm thankful for my church family. I know it was last minute, but my friends were quick to respond and willing to help. I'm feeling blessed.
Krista watched the girls for me today and I have to say, this is one of the best compliments ever --- I mean, I know she's good, but it's nice to know she is the same way with others.
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