When I like a brand or in this case a specific shoe line, I kind of go overboard. Yeah, I'm the kind of person who finds a perfect fitting shirt and buys three of them, in different colors.
Well, these shoes served me well, but it was finally time to say goodbye. They've officially been replaced.
Gas Prices, We See You
In the past few weeks, gas prices have steadily increased, like we wouldn't notice. We notice!!!!!
In related news, this makes me feel better (see the picture below) about replacing my SUV with a fuel efficient vehicle. However, my in town gas mileage is more like 24-32 mpg. Makes me wonder about the in town mpg, I was getting on the ELEMENT.
For the First Time, Since I Started Working --
...Dakota woke up in the middle of the night. Well, first I should back track and mention she went to bed at her typical 8:30-9 pm bedtime, but then she woke up to eat around 10 pm. I thought that was odd and THEN she woke up again at 1 am. Trey heard her crying so he walked to the nursery and then brought her to our room. I fed her, in bed and we both dozed off. I wan't sure if I was in for a rough night, with a fussy baby, so I put her in the pack in play right next to the bed. But nothing, she was fine and slept the rest of the night. I even got up at my normal time, to run.
This picture was taken early this week. I can get all paparazzi with my camera, but 1 am photo taking is a little too much, even for me.
There's a Little Truth, Behind Every E-Card
This is my thought process, right here.
I plan on running some miles over this weekend. I'm not sure how far I want to go. At this point, I like not being committed to a specific distance, that way I can bail early, if I need to.
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