That is Chey, wearing a tutu. Silly, girl.
Today, marks 3 wonderful weeks of Dakota's life.
This is what I've learned about her, in 21 days:
- She's a loud eater. Homegirl pants, suckles, slobbers and gulps like she's famished -- not every time that she eats, but enough for me to notice.
- She's a good baby. Trey and I can't believe how easy-going she is. Cheyenne was a walk in the park, so we thought our baby luck had run dry, but it looks like we got the jackpot again.
- Her umbilical cord is still on. I'm starting to wonder if it will ever fall off....
- Right now, she's not that interested in a pacifier. Every now and then I'll give it to her. Sometimes she gags and refuses it and other times she'll take it. I'm sure as she gets older she'll take it more often because I refuse to be a human pacifier. Ouch to that notion.
- She rarely burps. I'll nurse her and that's that...There's no patting her until I hear a belch, which I think is extremely odd. I'd imagine, when she starts taking a bottle that'll change. But for now, I won't complain because at 4 am, when all I have to do is change, feed her, and not have to worry about patting her until she burps --- I'm all for that!
- Her active - awake time is in the evening.
- Her eyes are starting settle. They look like they are favoring a dark blue color.
- She goes through so many diapers in one day, which makes me thankful for this diaper and wipes stash. It's going to suck big money, when I have to start buying diapers again.
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