Chey is always asking to play with his legos. He has a collection of big boy legos and he insists on displaying them near the entryway. Can someone build him a man cave???? He's cramping my home decor.
Leaning Towards Whole Foods
I'm trying to get back to eating the way, I use to: more whole foods and less junk. 80/20.
80% paleo. 20% wiggle room. Lately, my go to meal is chorizo and eggs with mixed veggies.
Detailed Bumper to Bumper
Friday, after Chey's ballet recital we drove to Dallas and got Trey's truck detailed. Now, his truck sparkles. Chey enjoyed watching the cars drive through the car wash. She use to be terrified of auto car washes, which I thought was strange since I use to love going through them, when I was her age.
I would pretend that I was underwater in the sea or in an aquarium.
OH, when we were done at the car wash, we went shopping at the fancy schmancy Galleria and I've come to the conclusion that Ft. Worth NEEDS an H&M. I seriously love that store!!!!! I kind of went crazy in there, but in my defense I had to because there is not an H&M near my home. Also, the prices are surprisingly reasonable. I thought all the stores in the Galleria would be out of price range, I guess I was wrong. However I was --->A Little Frustrated
Do you know how hard it is to find clothes that are breastfeeding approptiate???? Especially dresses???? It's hard work, trust me.
Junk Drawers Drive Me Crazy...
Yet, I still have them, no matter how many times I organize them. This coming week, I plan on getting serious about organizing things like this...
The More You Know
Just an FYI, Bed Bath and Beyond has the mother load of Keurig Vue cups. I tried Black Magic coffee and that stuff is strong!
Dakota is still as sweet as can be. She's sleeping, eating, and starting to coo.
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