This was my first road trip with both of the girls. It's a two hour drive from Ft. Worth to Abilene -- not long, but not exactly down the street. Dakota did fine. I fed her right before we hit the road, so she just napped in the car. Speaking of the car, my Ford Focus got 37 MPG on the highway. That's less than 15 bucks to drive one-way. Not bad. I hope I get 40 MPG on the way back home. I wonder if turning off the AC would help the fuel economy of the car. It's only 200 degrees outside, but I don't think we need the AC -- HAHA!
I spent the afternoon hanging out wit my sister Natasha. Later, I went to KACU-FM to say hi to my old co-workers. I worked at KACU as an office worker and an on-air announcer, while I attended Abilene Christian University.
We had to stop by and say hi to Sandy.
And John....
I have to give Chey the photo credit on this one.
Chey drew me a picture while we were visiting. We had a great time and it's always nice to see old friends.
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