While I was getting frustrated Dakota was working out. Head raises are tough work, when you are only 5 weeks old.
How We Picnic
Sooooooo, since it's too hot to enjoy an outdoor picnic, tonight we enjoyed a central air picnic form the comfort of our home. Specifically our living room floor. Dakota was starring at me like I was her dinner -- Oh, wait....
Oh, look at her massive head gear. It's completely unnecessary, but so stinkin' cute.
Tonight, we saw Trey briefly for maybe 30 minutes before he got a service call. Originally, he thought he was going to have to work this weekend, but he just found out he has the weekend off. This is the first weekend he's had off, in 3 weeks!
Sleeping Beauty
Last night, sweet face slept from 10 pm - 6 am. She would've slept longer, but I woke her up because I felt like my boobs were about to explode. She ate and then went back to sleep. I don't want to jinx anything, but we're 5 weeks in and we have yet to have a restless-inconsoleable night.
An update on her eye:
I don't think it's pink eye, it looks more like a clogged tear duct. <----What am I, a doctor???
Chey had the same thing and I would massage the area near the duct and eventually, the puss stopped.
I know it sounds weird...but after nursing her, spray her in the eye with some breastmilk...it will help it clear up no matter what it is. Breastmilk has antibiotic properties and in other countries moms actually use breastmilk to clean their babies eyes and faces.
ReplyDeleteThat does sound strange, but it makes sense. Hey, I'm willing to try it! Thanks for the info.