Four Weeks
We've been a party of four for four weeks, now. I still have a hard time believing I'm a mother of two. That means I'm responsible for two bodies! I'm glad Trey is here to help.
Here are some things Dakota has been up to:
- Her hair is getting darker and her eyes are getting lighter.
- She responds to my voice.
- Her infant cry is getting louder each day.
- She is still waking up, in the middle of the night for at least one feeding. It's usually between 2 and 4:30 am. We haven't had a rough night yet. Thank you, Jesus! She's had one full night of sleep. 9 pm - 5:30 am. Nothing spectacular, BUT that would be a decent schedule, when I return back to work.
- Last weekend, her umbilical cord finally fell off. A customer or employee might be able to find it inside the South Side Wal-Mart. That's where she lost it.
We Are Proud Library Nerds
For 3 weeks, we've been participating in the summer reading program and craft time at our local branch. It's a cool indoor activity that keeps Chey and I sane. She gets her kid time and I get a chance to visit with my grown-up friends. Oh, and I also get a chance to check out books and FREE DVD's. This should relieve my summer REDBOX obsession, or at least give it a break.
If you are in my area and want to join us at the library, let me know!
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