I'm starting to get desperate. There are a few myths floating out there on how to naturally induce labor. Some women swear by them, but I'm under the impression, that unless your body is ready for labor, these things may not be effective, BUTTTTTT if they are safe, I say why not give it a shot -- ESPECIALLY if you are past due.
I've heard, one way to naturally induce labor is to eat fresh pineapple. Mmmm. Done!
Here are a few more that I've heard helps to naturally induce labor:
1. Walking - YES! I've walked 8 miles in the last few days. I'm thankful I live close to a supermarket. Earlier today, instead of driving to buy the pineapple, I walked there and back.
2. Sex - sperm contains prostaglandins, which can ripen the cervix. No need to paint a picture for you folks. Annnnnnd that's the extent that I will talk about that....moving ON!
3. Raspberry Leaf Tea: I don't know enough about this one.
4. Castor Oil - Something about lots of pooping and diarehhea - (that sounds like fun. NOT.)
5. Nipple Stimulation - Why would a woman want to do this, especially knowing that in a few hours you could be nursing a newborn? And if you know anything about nursing, you know it can be painful. I wouldn't want to willingly aggravate my skin like that...
6. Sweeping the Membrane - My doctor did this last week and obviously my body was not ready for labor. I had one hour of serious contractions, but after that they fizzled.
7. Eating Extra Spicy Food: NO THANK YOU. I don't want to deal with heartburn.
There are a few more, but those seem to be some of the common ones, I always hear about. So, what do you think about all of this????
I'll leave you with a picture of Trey. The other weekend we went shopping at the Cowboys Pro Shop. We are well stocked for football season, but I guess he wanted more clothes. Today, he got two more items. He spoils himself rotten.
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