Serena is a talented and a patient photographer, I'm blessed to have her as a friend. Here is a sneak peak of the photo shoot. As soon as I get the photos I'll post them here.
When we finally made it home from NICU, I took Cheyenne's newborn portraits, but this time around it was nice to have someone else do them. I will have plenty of opportunities to take pictures of Dakota, in the future.
Here is a snapshot of one of Cheyenne's Newborn Portraits. Looks like Dakota...I KNOW!
Serena came to my house and it took her about 2 and half hours to take the photographs. Homegirl, has patience, I'm telling you....
As much as Dakota sleeps, she was awake for at least an hour of the photo session. Needless to say, she napped good after it was all said and done.
Serena making my girl look glamourous.
Cheyenne was standing off to the side begging to use my camera. Somebody get this girl her own DSLR. Just kidding!
Whew, that's enough excitement for me, for one day. Goodnight.
I CANNOT wait to see the pics!