Cheyenne enjoyed holding and petting them.
Trey always tells her, he's going to get her and Dakota a lap dog, when they get older. I don't know about that. Having a dog is a lot of responsibility. If you go out of town, you have to make accommodations for the dog, you have to take them to the vet and keep up with their shots. It just seems like a handful on top of having two kids. But at the same time dogs are great companions.
Did You know.....
Trey and I had two dogs before we had Cheyenne? We had two Welsh Corgi's. One was a purebred and the other was a rescue (corgi-terrier mix).
He was the purebred. He had short legs, but he could cover some ground. He was my running partner. We would run several days a week, 3 miles at a time.
She was a the terrier mix. A real sweetheart. She didn't care too much for running.
After Cheyenne was born, she spent a week in the NICU -- that's when we decided to find the dogs a new home. Now, writing this post makes me really miss them, but then I remember all the shedding. Okay, I'm good.
My DailyMile Training from last week
Walk: 9 Miles
Cycle:0 Miles
Elliptical: 15 minutes
Last week, my body was ??????? You guessed it, SORE. Do I sound like a broken record? It's not exercise sore, it's I've gained a ton of weight and my baby feels like she's about to fall out --- Sore. I never understood when my friends use to tell me, "My baby feels like it's going to fall out." Now, I know. It's an unpleasant feeling. Some days are worse than others, last week was a painful week. Last night, I felt pretty bad too, but now I'm feeling a little better.
P.S. I never got my birthday massage. What does a girl have to do to get a massage? I guess, I'm just going to have to pay someone.
Oh I love your two Corgis! They do shed so much though, huh! I used to be a dog groomer, and Corgis and Pugs have to be about the most shedding dogs ever! But they sure are cuties!