35 Weeks with Dakota 36 Weeks with Cheyenne
Looking at these pictures side by side, I'm convinced Dakota is laying down with her feet at my back and the top of her head facing my belly button. She's all spread out, compared to Cheyenne. Crazy Baby. And what's up with my stomach being all cone shaped? People who don't know me assume I'm having a boy. I guess, it's that old saying, "boys ride higher, than girls." Trey's mom thinks I'm having a boy, but then again she thought I was having twins.
So, I've been giving out the wrong information. This week I'm 35 weeks, but I thought I was 34, so that's what I've been saying... Trey finally said, that's not right and I pulled out the calendar. Sure enough, I'm 35 weeks. What's another week, she'll come when she wants to come. Besides, due dates are just rough estimates, the doctors don't really know and I can't gauge whether she will be early, late or on time. For those at home following, my due date is JUNE 8th. So, that's roughly a month from now. YIKES!
LIMON Chips are still my number one. Trey bought me a bag Sunday and the bag is still in the pantry. It's not full, but still, there are chips left, (crumbs). Be amazed, people! I know, I am. Another craving is warm chocolate chip cookies, straight out of the oven...EndraFit Challenge? What Challenge? Oops!
This week, I've been nodding off, at work. Luckily, I work in a service department where people ask for assistance, so I won't be tempted to give in and fall asleep on the clock. I have too many interruptions for that...thank goodness? In this case, YES.
I'm Feeling...
Lately, I'm an emotional basket case. Yesterday, I went to Wich, Which, to redeem a free birthday sandwich and apparently, my coupon was only valid at a specific location and guess what --- I went to the wrong location. When the cashier told me, she couldn't give me my birthday sandwich, my eyes started to tear up. What is wrong with me????? It's a freaking sandwich. Trey said I should've pulled the pregnancy card. I was too embarrassed I was about to break down and start sobbing, so I said OK and left. F- That location. Yeah, I said it. Well, not really, but whatever.
I'm still hurting --- That's the story of this pregnancy. With all this pain, it's hard to believe that I was running up until 24 weeks, pain free. I miss it. Sure I was slow, but at least I was clocking some miles.
I'm starting to get heartburn in the middle of the night. I've also started waking up around 1 am, needing to vomit, but I don't -- it just feels like I need to. I don't like to sleep in one position all night long, but when I go to shift, my body it's so heavy. Oh, and I grunt a lot....shifting in bed, bending over, cleaning, getting in and out of the car. It's like I'm an old person.
Now, everyone is thinking -- pregnancy sounds terrible. Well.....It's just getting harder because I'm getting bigger and I'm so active. I should probably chill. I need the doctor to prescribe me some chill time or I need more hours in the day.
I love this update! Especially the enduraFIT what? comment. :) You look great! Dakota and Jack may have the same birth date!
ReplyDeleteYou're still gorgeous so that's all that matters!