Distance: 13.1 miles
Overall Time: 2:21:06
Compared to my PR of 1:56:49
(AKA 20 lbs lighter and not slow cooking a baby)
Average Pace Per Mile: 10:47
Overall Place: 3,863 out of 6,323
Age Group: Placed 269 out of 504 women
Overal Gender Place: 1496 out of 3277 women
Power Song: Karmin's Chris Brown Cover, Look at Me Now
Runner Up Power Song was Kanye West, Through the Wire
It was probably around 48 or so degrees at the start line. Not bad! No need for gloves, when your long sleeves double as hand warmers.
Right before the race started, a random runner, looked down at my stomach and said, "Right on!" He then fist bumped me and we were off --- Dakota and I were running a half marathon.
From the get-go, it was a tough race. My pace felt right, but Dakota felt heavy. Oh, and my iPod went all demonic on me and that threw me off, my game. It would start, stop, and fast forward -- it was so annoying. I worked hard on my playlist and I was determined to listen to it, so I powered off my phone, rebooted it and restarted my iPod playlist -- that did the trick. It worked after that!
Around mile 5, I thought -- This sucks, I'm uncomfortable. I'm calling Trey and I'm going to have him pick me up. I thought about that for one second. The good thing was I didn't have to stop to use the bathroom, however I did cough and well -- you can only imagine. HA! It wasn't that bad - really. The bad was I chaffed. I have pregnant thighs, which mean my legs rubbed together for over two hours and now it burns. This never happened to me with Cheyenne, but then again, I never ran that long. I think if I had worn tights, I wouldn't have chaffed. I've been walking bow-legged all afternoon. I look ridiculous! Another bad is I feel like I ran a full marathon. I'm sore. I feel like since I ran for two, I should multiply my milage by two. 26.2 baby!
I saw the EnduraLAB folks at three different locations. I saw Jake and Becca in the Stockyards and the Lululemon girls at mile 10, downtown. There was so much support! It felt amazing. Every time I'd see my friends, I'd get a burst of energy. It helped! Oh, and the best spectator was Trey. He was waiting at the finish line.
The last leg of the race, the 5K was the best. It felt like I was running downhill and cruising in. When I crossed the finish, I was so happy to be done. I just wanted to find Trey. I forgot to stop my watch as soon as I crossed the line. Oops!
My finisher shirt and post half marathon food. Not pictured: Blue Bell Ice Cream -- Trey was working on that.
Trey and I watched Sherri cross the finish line. Her marathon time was 3:45, just 10 minutes shy of Boston Qualifying. She's a speed demon and I know soon, she'll reach her BQ goal.
Other Friends I saw, after the race, Thao and Cindy.
We had terrible AT&T service near Will Roger Memorial Center. I tried calling Trey after I crossed the finish line. My phone call finally went through after trying off and on, for 10 minutes. Once I met up with him, two men approached us and asked to use Trey's phone so they could call their family and reunite with them. I think Cowtown should do what Dallas White Rock did and have Metro PCS at the finish area providing complimentary phone service. After I finished Dallas White Rock Marathon, I walked in the expo building, found a Metro PCS booth and called Trey. We reunited immediately.
I've decided, this was by far the toughest race I've ever ran. It was a huge challenge. No more races for me, not until I'm postpartum. I have more to say about this race, but I feel like this is enough for now. Goodnight. Let the recovery begin!
That's so awesome!! Also, great power song, I love that cover.
ReplyDeleteOh and you look super cute!