Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Little Hobby

Lately, Chey's favorite pastime is putting puzzles together. She's pretty good at it too. When I was little I loved puzzles. In this picture my child is pant less, of course. Well, at least we were home. When I went to church this morning, I was concerned the workers were going to have to pull me aside to tell me my she would not keep her pants on, luckily that was not the case. She kept her clothes on, the entire time.
A Little Hobby
Today, thanks to Trey, I tried my first cup of Dunkin' Donuts coffee. I've heard it's the best. It was the regular blend and it was pretty good. I saved half of it and I plan on drinking it cold ice, tomorrow morning.
A Treat From Trey
Highlights of the day: 
1. 6 mile Run
2. Italian Theme Potluck at Church - Amazing food and fellowship - I made Italian Sausage with tomato sauce and seasoned it with rosemary and oregano.
3. Talking to Linda on the phone for an hour - Her and her newborn baby are doing great. He's two weeks old.
4. Visiting with Trey's parents
5. Coffee from Trey
6. Crocheting a second infinity scarf. I'll post pictures of the one I completed. I'll do that in another post.

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