Here are a few tips for running in the rain
1. Don't be afraid of the rain, it's just water.
That is unless, there is lightning, in that case go back to bed.
2. Stay close to home.
I circled my neighborhood, so if the storm got out of hand, I could race home.
3. Stay hydrated.
Just because it may be cooler, you still need to stay hydrated. I placed a water bottle by my house, so anytime I needed a drink I could take a quick swig.
4. Avoid Blisters at All Cost.
Around mile 8, I went home and changed into dry socks and shoes.
5. Wear a shirt.
I ran wearing a lulu race back shirt, but I did contemplate wearing just a sports bra. I'm glad I went with the shirt because I had material to wipe the rain off my face.
Here is my weekly milage. I fell a few miles short of my weekly goal.
This picture was taken Sunday morning. I'm training for this ultra by running back to back long runs. Saturday mornings, I run long and Sunday mornings, I do the same thing. This past Sunday, was brutal. For one, I woke up late and for two I was dead tired. Next weekend I have a lot of miles on the schedule. Anyone up for an 18 miler? Oh and how about 12 miles the following morning? Anyone?
I did a rainy run soaked! I actually started to dry off but then there were two more downpours before I was done. Great weekly mileage, and I'm impressed with 2 long runs in a weekend!