Dallas Mavericks are on the edge of winning the championship and I don't want to miss it.
The Bad Guys. Here is a better photo of Lebron and I have to say one of my favorites.
Moscato wine, while watching the game. So sophisticated.
I have mint in the garden and I haven't used it as often as I thought I would, but when I do, I like to put it in my water. Occasionally, I put it in fruit bowls.
Cheyenne needs black out curtains for her room. I put her to bed and it took her 30 minutes to go to sleep. She pulled out all the tricks:
1. I need to go to the bathroom.
2. I need a tissue.
3. I want my mommy/daddy.
4. I want water.
Those tricks don't work on me, because I've been there. I remember doing that when I was little. My response -- "Let's go to the bathroom, but then go to bed and don't come out of your room or else...."
It's hard to say who won this battle. She fell asleep, but then ended up in our room around 3 am. Parents who have toddlers --- Do your little ones sneak into your room in the middle of the night? Cheyenne does every now and then. Most nights, I don't even realize it, until the morning. She's sneaky, she's good, she knows exactly what she's doing.
Her grin in this photo explains it all. She's thinking: Sure mom, I'll go to sleep now, but you'll see me in a few hours.
Switching gears a bit, here are the latest photos of the garden. I don't use any chemicals, to keep bugs away and I think the bugs are taking advantage of that.
Another batch of tomatoes were untouched (other than one minor scratch). You better believe I snatched those babies off the vine.
Flowery Cilantro.
I'm such a proud garden momma. I have Squash-Zuchinni!!!!! I'm so impressed with myself.
This flower wilts during the high heat of the day, but buds during the morning sunrise. I snapped this photo, this morning.
Last year, the squash I planted got out of control. I ended up mowing it down. Mistake #1 - planting it outside of a contained area. I learned my lesson.
And now a flashback to last year.
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