I finally got some quality snuggle time with my love bug. We lounged on the sofa, enjoying several episodes of Sponge Bob and the Backyardigans. While we were bundled up, I dozed off for a few minutes. I was tired. I woke up early this morning because I had planned on meeting up with some running friends and exploring a trail in Grapevine. DFW got slammed with scattered storms, so in anticpation of the storms, the run group was cancelled. I got the news about the cancellation, after I was already dressed, so I just ran five - one mile laps in my neighborhood. I ran in the rain, well it was more like a sprinkle. Afterwards, I sat on the patio and the rain started to pour.

The worst part of the storm hit right before we headed off to church. One of our friends in the neighborhood had a trampoline blown on his roof! The fire department came to the rescue.

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