I don't have loads of them, but if you ever want some, let me know. Seriously. Free herbs. No chemicals/organic/compost rich soil. Umm, where do I sign-up? I would love to share. Plus, a little flavor goes a long way....
My little garden bug with her rain boots...and this time I didn't have to bribe her to wear them.
Vegetable Side of the Garden: Onions, Peppers, Tomatoes, Zucchini
Herb Side of the Garden: Mint, Sage, Thyme, Basil, Pasley, Rosemary, Oregano.
I have that whole left side to add more stuff. Oh yeah, and look at all that dead space in between the other plants.
Remember the dead rosemary twig I tried to revive? The pic below was taken on March 13th.
This is a current photo (pic below). She is making a comeback! She still looks pathetic, but I'd eat that....Behind her (now I'm assigning the herbs gender roles) is another rosemary plant. Every time I mention to someone I have herbs to share, they always ask about this one. I like it too, so my little plant is getting smaller, as each day passes. I'm eating it faster, than it can grow! Must plant more, soon!
Take a look at the budding tomato.
The peppers are still cooking.
This cilantro happens to be remains from last year. Like the rosemary, it made a comeback, but as you can see, I've picked it to hell. I need more (like yesterday). Note: If you eat too much cilantro, it tastes like soap. Trust me....
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