1. Sprints for what felt like forever....
---Followed by Squats as a group we completed 100
--- Example: I did 10. Next person did 10. Next person did 10. Repeat until the number totaled 100.
2. Sprints (forever)
---Followed by Air Squats " " 100
3. Sprints (forever)
----Followed by push-ups " " 100
4. Instead of sprints we completed the distance with walking lunges (this took forever and a day). We each did 20 a piece and then rotated between the three of us.
Today, my thighs are on FIRE! But I'm weird and twisted and I kind of enjoy it. By the way, my group won the competition. I get some kind of prize, next week...I wonder what it could be...IDK...
These are the two ladies, I ran with (Jayme & Hilary). They look great considering we just kicked some running butt in the scorching heat. It felt like we were running in 100 degree weather. I'm not ready for this summer sauna. Texas, I love you, but your summers are so HOT.
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