Lee planned a surprise party for Isis at Joe T. Garcia's Mexican Restaurant. She said, "I posted on FaceBook that I was going to yoga class!" She was surprised to see about 20 of her friends at Joe T's. We were there to wish her a happy birthday.
Make a wish
Have you ever been to this restaurant? I really hadn't heard much about it, (I'm probably the only person in DFW). It was a neat experience and extremely romantic. We sat on the patio and there was a mariachi band playing, candlelights, a shallow pool in the background...really amazing atmosphere.
Trey, Chey and I shared the fajita plate. Later, we indulged in birthday cake. Oh, I love recovery week, it's almost as good as taper week. Hmmm, My stomach is not use to so much over indulgence and I have to admit she has hated me on several occasions, this week. Dear stomach, don't worry, we'll be back on track soon.
aww what great pictures you posted :) i'm so glad to have found your blog! xo